1588 Clarke Road

1588 Clarke Road

Description: This home is constructed of London buff brick in the form of a typical one and a half storey Ontario gothic-revival farmhouse (built circa 1860s) with symmetrical front façade facing north towards the Thames River.

This property is the homestead of the Tackabury family; deeded to John Tackabury Sr. by the Mayor of Boston Massachusetts (Edward Hale, the son of the Hon. General John Hale who had fought with Wolfe at the Plains of Abraham). In all, six generations of Tackaburys lived at this farm.

The Tackaburys were one of the closely-knit pioneer families of a community that grew at this location, centered in the village they helped build, known as “The Grove”. They were also instrumental in expanding the prominent brewing industry in London, as leading members of the Ontario Hops Growers’ Association.

This farmhouse is situated in the corner of a Sifton Properties residential development. Since being left by the Tackabury family, the farmhouse has deteriorated significantly, especially on the interior. City council consented to demolition of the adjacent barn building, which was removed shortly thereafter. The developers requested that the farmhouse be removed from the Register of Cultural Heritage Resources, but were denied. However, the fate of this farmhouse remains unclear within this development.

This building could be refurbished, as the exterior is in fair condition, and incorporated into this residential development as professional office space, with public park surround. This adaptive reuse would pay homage to the significant local history established by the Tackabury families of the area, and generate expanded interest in this residential development by offering something appreciably outside the mold. 

Marty Peterson