Join ACO London
Joining ACO London is a great way to meet all sorts of people who want to help preserve the architectural heritage in our region, people who value our built heritage, who want to conserve those features that make London a distinctive city, who believe that heritage is one key way a community maintains its identity and who believe that adaptive re-use is a green option.
Joining ACO through the London Region branch puts you in touch not only with London events but with activities across the province. As a member of ACO London you will receive its tri-annual newsletter, the ACORN, and the London Region newsletter, The Advocate.
With the public attention recently on several significant heritage buildings, threatened to be destroyed, it is vital that ACO be strong enough to present a defence of our built heritage. Your financial support will help us achieve this.
You can join online now by clicking the button below or you can download a membership form and delivering it to our office at Grosvenor Lodge.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to our membership coordinator.